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  • productive smoke up
    February 13, 2019

    Being Productive When You Like To Smoke Up

    It’s no secret that we love smoking up. One of the most damaging stereotypes we have seen of people who smoke up is that they are people who aren’t productive. The image one gets in their mind when they think of a ‘stoner’ is someone who just sits around on their couch all day smoking up and watching weird shows on television. Well, we love sitting on the couch and watching weird television shows but that’s not all we do. However, at the same time we can’t really blame the people who believe in the stereotype. 
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  • perfect smoke vibe
    February 13, 2019

    Achieving that perfect smoke up vibe

    Any experienced smoker will tell you that not all smoking experiences are equal. Sometimes you just get a little buzz going while other times you feel like you are going to have an epiphany. The strange thing is that it is often independent of the quality of your herb/oil or your bong. You can use the same bong and the same stuff two days in a row and have a very different smoking experience going. Well, here are some ways to get a better vibe each time you smoke up.
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  • best movie bong
    February 13, 2019

    Best movies to watch when you’re using a bong

    It is very fun to watch some great movies when you’re sitting with a bong. We often have friends over and we put up a movie to watch and enjoy together. The only problem is finding movies that will actually enhance the smoking sessions instead of bumming everyone out. Well, if you are in the same position you don’t have to worry, because we have assembled a list of movies that are guaranteed to go well with smoking up.
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  • find perfect bong
    February 13, 2019

    Finding the perfect bong

    They don’t make bongs like they used to make em – now they make them even better. Those of us who have been using bongs for decades now how simple they used to be. Unless you were in a highly populated city you didn’t have access to the best headshops. If you want to find the perfect bong you need to know a few things. Here are some of the features you will see commonly in most bongs being sold these days.
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  • perfect music bong
    February 13, 2019

    Music that goes perfectly with bongs

    Music and smoking up go together like peanut butter and jelly. They complement each other perfectly. We have records of people listening to music and smoking up from hundreds of years ago and it is easy to see why. Music sounds amazing when you smoke up – you feel it in a way you never do sober. If you are looking for the best artists to listen to when you smoke up we have some fantastic suggestions for you.
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  • best time bong
    February 13, 2019

    The 5 best times for a bong

    Most smokers who use bongs also make sure they have other possible ways to smoke. This is because bongs aren’t always the most convenient way to smoke up. Rolling papers are much easier to carry if you are going out somewhere. Having said that, there are many times when nothing can meet the experience of a bong.
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  • common mistake new bong user made
    February 12, 2019

    The most common mistakes new bong users make

    The experience of smoking up with bongs is one of the best smoking experiences possible. Yet there are many people who end up making some common mistakes again and again which leads to them coughing and feeling uncomfortable. If you are new to smoking or even just new to smoking bongs here’s what you need to avoid.
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  • cleaning bong
    February 12, 2019

    Keeping Your Bong Clean

    Bongs are fun to use but it is important to keep then clean and functioning properly. People who are new to bongs don’t realize how bad a dirty one can be. The taste of the smoke is absolutely disgusting if the bong hasn’t been maintained properly. Don’t worry, you don’t really need to do a lot, you just have to make sure you take care of a few basic things. The best part about smoking from a bong is that it results in a much better smoking experience; if you keep the bong dirty, then bongs basically end up becoming pointless. Every hit will taste horrible to the point that you won’t want to smoke any more.
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  • best times smoking bong
    February 12, 2019

    The 5 best times for a bong

    Most smokers who use bongs also make sure they have other possible ways to smoke. This is because bongs aren’t always the most convenient way to smoke up. Rolling papers are much easier to carry if you are going out somewhere. Having said that, there are many times when nothing can meet the experience of a bong.
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