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  • A Complete Guide to Weed Accessories
    May 8, 2022

    A Complete Guide to Weed Accessories

    Cannabis is best enjoyed with add on or accessories that are made to enhance the smoking experience. Cannabis enthusiasts love to get creative. From brownies to simply rolling a joint, the options are endless.
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  • Accessories to Improve your Bong.
    April 17, 2022

    Accessories to Improve your Bong.

    Bongs are known for offering exceptionally smooth and powerful hits through their round chamber. But every smoking enthusiast knows about the importance of getting bong accessories alongside to enhance their overall experience. 

    By adding accessories, your smoking experience can reach a new level. These accessories make the cleaning of your bong more convenient, or give you the most potent hit possible. Below are some bong accessories that are bound to take your smoking game to the next level.

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  • How to Choose the Right Bong for Yourself
    April 10, 2022

    How to Choose the Right Bong for Yourself

    Buying a bong can be an intimidating experience, especially if you’re a newbie to smoking. With so many options out there, it’s easy to get confused about what works best for you, which is why it’s always wise to invest...

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  • Beginner’s Guide to Bongs
    April 3, 2022

    Beginner’s Guide to Bongs

    If you’re a chain smoker or have been associated with smoking in one way or another, the word ‘bong’ would definitely ring a bell. Due to the growing number of smokers, new ways of smoking are being discovered to achieve a better high. One of the most fascinating pieces in the history of smoking is the bong. 
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  • Bongs Vs. Joints: The ultimate showdown
    March 13, 2022

    Bongs Vs. Joints: The ultimate showdown

    One of the best parts about consuming weed is the endless number of ways you can do it!

    Joints, brownies, vapes, gummy bears—just the tip of the iceberg. 

    But for seasoned smokers, joints and bongs remain the two most favored options. 

    Both have unique characteristics. Before you pick one, you need to understand the main differences between the two: 

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  • How Often Should You Change Bong Water?
    March 6, 2022

    How Often Should You Change Bong Water?

    Bong is an obvious smoking device for many smokers. To experience a pleasant smoking experience, you need to clean bong water regularly. 

    Water is one of the main ingredients in a bong. Smoking from dirty bong water will not only leave a bad taste in your mouth, it is bad for your health too. 

    Used bong water contains bacteria, ash and other pathogens. Inhaling smoke can increase your likelihood of developing a lung infection. Another thing is that used bong water stinks. 

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  • 5 Must-Have Accessories that Will Elevate Your Smoking Experience
    February 27, 2022

    5 Must-Have Accessories that Will Elevate Your Smoking Experience

    Smokers, today, use a variety of accessories and tools to make their smoking sessions more efficient, easier, and entertaining. These accessories help them remain stealthy, store their weed better and of course, impress their friends. 

    But, as a smoker looking for the best smoking accessories to elevate their experience, when you begin your search you realize that there is an endless list of options available. 

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