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  • historical figure smoking up
    February 14, 2019

    3 historical figures that loved smoking up

    One of the best parts of smoking up is how it has always been a natural part of humanity. We have been smoking up for thousands of years – we have found thousand year old pipes. We’ve always wanted to smoke up from a pipe that was found in an archeological dig, but we guess that will never happen. There have been many famous people who smoked up. This may surprise you but that is just because we don’t realize how recent the demonization of smoking up is. It was only after the 1900s that people started thinking smoking up was bad. Let’s look at 4 figures from our history that were known to smoke up.
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  • better bong session
    February 13, 2019

    3 tips for a better bong session

    There’s nothing better than sitting down with a bong and toking the day away. You may be surprised to hear this, but it is possible to make the experience even better. We have three tips that will surely make your session more pleasant than they are right now
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  • smoking game face
    February 13, 2019

    How to put on a game face

    It happens to the best of us. You get home, finally free, and you smoke a huge bowl. Life is good, you feel mellow, the music is going straight to your heart, and then someone calls or knocks at your door. You suddenly have company and it’s someone you don’t want to know that you just smoked. Maybe it is your mom, maybe your landlord, maybe you ran into your manager while you were out on a munchies hunt. Whatever the situation, you need to get your game face on. You need to be able to look completely normal in the interaction but that never seems easy. Here are some tips on getting through this very difficult time.
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  • keeping bong time interesting
    February 13, 2019

    Keeping Bong Time With The Group Interesting

    Sitting with your friends and smoking up is an old human tradition. We have been doing it for thousands of years now. Back then it used to be just lighting the plant on fire in the middle of the gathering (oh how we wish it was still cheap enough to do this) or with a primitive pipe. Now it is a bong being shared between a group of friends. However once your hangouts become a regular thing they run into the danger of being boring. No one wants to sit with a bunch of boring stoners who don’t do anything. We know how to keep things spicy so follow the advice and you will be having a lot of interesting times.
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  • not to bong
    February 13, 2019

    To Bong or Not to Bong

    Bongs are fantastic when you have a lot of people smoking together. Joints get weird (and there is nothing worse than a joint being soggy due to too many people smoking from it) if there are too many people. Bongs can be easily passed among many people without deteriorating the experience in any way. If you are the only person who is going to smoke up then maybe something like a pipe would be better than a full bong. If you plan to smoke up with your friends then bongs are the way to go.
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  • productive smoke up
    February 13, 2019

    Being Productive When You Like To Smoke Up

    It’s no secret that we love smoking up. One of the most damaging stereotypes we have seen of people who smoke up is that they are people who aren’t productive. The image one gets in their mind when they think of a ‘stoner’ is someone who just sits around on their couch all day smoking up and watching weird shows on television. Well, we love sitting on the couch and watching weird television shows but that’s not all we do. However, at the same time we can’t really blame the people who believe in the stereotype. 
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  • perfect smoke vibe
    February 13, 2019

    Achieving that perfect smoke up vibe

    Any experienced smoker will tell you that not all smoking experiences are equal. Sometimes you just get a little buzz going while other times you feel like you are going to have an epiphany. The strange thing is that it is often independent of the quality of your herb/oil or your bong. You can use the same bong and the same stuff two days in a row and have a very different smoking experience going. Well, here are some ways to get a better vibe each time you smoke up.
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  • best movie bong
    February 13, 2019

    Best movies to watch when you’re using a bong

    It is very fun to watch some great movies when you’re sitting with a bong. We often have friends over and we put up a movie to watch and enjoy together. The only problem is finding movies that will actually enhance the smoking sessions instead of bumming everyone out. Well, if you are in the same position you don’t have to worry, because we have assembled a list of movies that are guaranteed to go well with smoking up.
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